Training Practice
GP Registrars
At times, fully qualified additional doctors work at the Practice for periods of 6 to 12 months full-time. This may be extended for part-time doctors. They are completing their professional training in General Practice having spent several years working in hospitals. Sometimes they use video consultations to help with their training, but you will always be asked to give your consent beforehand.
Medical Students
Over the last two years Yelverton Surgery has been increasingly involved with the Peninsular Medical School and we are pleased to welcome medical students into the Practice for part of their training. We now welcome students from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years and you may meet them during your visit to the Surgery. Students may sit in on Doctors and Nurses surgeries and may take blood. They may also hold their own surgeries seeing patients initially alone before being joined by the Doctors.
Meeting ‘real patients’ is an important part of their training but we would like to reassure you that the students will always be supervised and we can guarantee your privacy and confidentiality.
We understand that there may be times when you prefer not to be seen by a student and please feel free to say ‘no’.